Payload Mobile

by Payload Inc



To operate the app a valid username and password issued by EZ Ops Inc is required. Please contact us at [email protected] if you need one.Payload helps producers and operators address the inefficiencies in their upstream services, from first bid to final invoice. It saves time in the field and gives head office better visibility and control. Simply and easily.For service providers Payload helps dispatchers and drivers communicate in real time on orders in progress. No texts or emails required.Our mobile app tracks changes and performance in real time — and helps reduce disputes and delays in getting paid. With the Payload app, drivers can receive up-to-date load information, documents and detailed site information. Drivers can capture events along the way including pickups, deliveries and issues. Capturing images and audio to complete the picture of what is happening in the field. With this data, Payload can produce rich and detailed ticketing information that can be transmitted to clients.